Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dance Critique written for Melanie Futorian: 'The Futorian Dance Theater Moves Beyond'

Celebrated at NYC’s Battery Dance Festival, The Futorian Dance Theater’s ‘Suite of 3’ is a stream of portraits in acrobatic grace disclosing the lovers’ manifesto. It’s intuitively creative, with deep reverence to style orthodoxy. Most of all it’s a joy to watch!

Choreographer Melanie Futorian’s intimate bond with sound, a legacy of her partner, percussionist Don Alias, is reflected in detailed movements, full of surprises, illuminated by music.

In a time when it’s all too tempting to convulse and clash, ‘Suite of 3’ doesn’t sacrifice beauty in the pursuit of contemporary relevance. The dance marries modern and ethnic, infused with floral Bali and heroic Greek amphora figurines. 

Dancers Evita Re and Elias Re are resplendent in the world premiere of ‘Suite of 3’.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

See Murder

Anyone who pays attention to the endless string of name related codes has to face it, this is a form of communication. Nevertheless, they either forget right away or choose to troll, cause I never hear from them again. 

I must have sent these well archived cosmic messages to hundreds of carefully chosen sites and individuals... although... when Angel made it clear he didn't want me to share anymore, I stopped entirely. Obviously, I flinged out the links more than enough over the years, so grateful to my Angel for ending that circus! The fact is Angel doesn't want to be seen, and I respect that. How our story isn't the biggest conspiracy theory on the internet is a testament to Angel's power over what people think. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist". And then there's Bill Maher, the go between. Documented communication between us is newsworthy in itself, LMAOROF! 

Since a couple years I too scaled back my desire to publicize this mystery, and instead have been looking for key people to discuss it with. This isn't happening either. Meantime the Angel is freaking me out almost daily with ever formidable, chilling name code sacrifices. The other day he apologized through Bill Maher for imposing the slavery of censorship on me, and suggested I'd have his head on a platter if we went public. Salome Bey died on August 8th and on the 16th 'Bill Baptist' unintentionally ended his career by tweeting Kamala Harris is a hoe! Then I saw C Murder - see murder - which I interpret as a question asking what would happen if Angel's deadly bon mots were divulged en masse. 

Today's world is so discolored with deception, chaos, illusion, duality - I agree it's not possible to introduce Angel. Ironically, a good way to cut through the treachery is for Angel to come out, and offer the world a big reset. I always believed the world can handle the truth- if and only if... Angel wants to expose the whole truth, including all the deception and tyranny. Then the name code sacrifices might even make sense! Anyway, people would be so overwhelmed, they'd have to exercise their creative imagination and appreciate the awesome implications of the big spiritual picture. Angel adores me so I'm bias... 

What would I have to do with this? I used to think I could help, just by being nice. Going on 59, like Sade's mermaid in "No Ordinary Love", running to the water pouring salt over herself, my desire to deal with it (even virtually) is running low on steam. I'm having fun taking care of my Angel, my family and the animals around me, big and small... I don't talk to the plants, yet. 

 Off to the beach and the supermarket, I actually ran out of salt.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Featured excerpt from "Skinny Legs and All" by Tom Robbins.

As her bare feet slapped the floor in time to polyrhythms more ancient than Petra, Salome whirled and dipped and whirled again, slapping and whirling simultaneously, and, moreover, pushing and contracting her pelvis, as if straining to expel a child. Her eyes were wide and hot, and the purple scarves swirled all about her. She danced thusly for close to twenty minutes before the first veil fell.

For some reason, Ellen Cherry, Spike, Abu, and practically everyone else in the room had assumed that the first veil dropped would be an upper one; specifically, the one that obscured her nose and mouth. They assumed erroneously. When it finally fell, fluttering to the floor like the skin of a moonsnake, it bared not her face but her loins. The audience was stunned. Worried about their cabaret license, Spike and Abu panicked. Shaftoe’s battered brow furrowed with concern; he was, after all, an officer of the law. Ellen Cherry blushed. She had sunbathed nude with waitress girlfriends in Seattle, but she’d never really focused, been virtually forced to focus, on another woman’s pudendum. It was both fascinating and discomfiting. She was glad that Patsy was out back in the courtyard.

Everybody was shocked, even the unshockable. Yet nobody acted to stop the performance. Nobody. And Salome went on whirling and dipping and swooping and arching, and each time that she arched, they found themselves looking into the prettiest and pinkest little slit that anyone could ever imagine, its folds delicate and mysterious, its tiny stinger aimed at them like the gun barrel of a felonious orchid, the curly pelt around it as sleek and moist as the welcome mat at the Bermuda Triangle Hilton.

The veil had not lain long on the floor when Ellen Cherry began to…well, to receive ideas. Spontaneously, without preamble, things occurred to her; thoughts entered her mind, one might say, except that they were both more vivid and full-formed than the thoughts that she was accustomed to entertaining, and they were permeated with information that she hadn’t realized that she possessed. It was as if they were somebody else’s thoughts, zapped by ray into her brain, where instantly they took hold and became her own.

Earth, it occurred to her, was a sexual globe. Unique, in a solar system of dead rocks, snowballs, and gasbags, Earth was a theater, a rotating stage upon which a thin green scum of organic life acted out countless, continual scenes whose content, whether explicit or oblique, was almost wholly sexual. In the biospherical epic, the players were either Seed Packages or Egg Cartons (a few versatile actors such as the amoeba could perform both roles, but it was a dying art), and the scenery, props, and costumes were designed to enhance or facilitate the coming together of hero seed and heroine egg. The colors, the smells, and the sounds of organic things had evolved as sexual attractants, created to keep the trillion romantic plots moving toward a trillion more-or-less happy endings. Recent observations of behavior patterns of bonding molecules showed that even on the molecular level, intricate and tricky courtships were constantly transpiring: there was molecular rejection, for example, and presumably molecular heartbreak. Within a broad age span, sexually inactive organisms- plant, animal, molecular, or human- could be said to be aberrations, freakish or pathological misfits out of tune with the harmony of life.

Despite an often ostentatious masculine display that would indicate otherwise, the sexual drama (or melodrama or farce) was largely, historically, directed by the female. That was particularly true among human beings, in which species the male had gone to ludicrous and often violent lengths to compensate for what struck the more insecure of men as an inferior sexual role. One of the lengths to which they went was the establishment of patriarchal religion and the recasting of the father figure as the producer of the show, although from the very beginning, the cosmogonic principal had been feminine. Those men, envious and anxious, not only fired the Great Goddess (who smiled upon all manner of sexual expression, including that which moderns were to label "promiscuous" and "pornographic"), but they also spent thousands of years and billions of dollars trying to conceal the fact of her existence.

And this further thought occurred to Ellen Cherry after the falling aside of Salome’s first veil: that whenever society demonstrated signs of rediscovering the goddess, of returning to more feminine value systems, the patriarchally conditioned psyche generated diseases, literal diseases such as syphilis in the hotly romantic nineteenth century and, in the wake of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s, AIDS. Those diseases were caused not by sexual license but by the fear of sexual license, by the conservative DNA’s inability to adjust to hedonism; and they were compounded by guilt over the suppression of the Great Mother and the denial of the sensuality with which she so frequently underscored her coexistence with the void. Eventually, AIDS was destined to run its deadly course, however, and eventually every manner of carnal play would go back into full production, for like it or not, gentlemen, that was the way of her world.

Yes, that’s it! Thought Ellen Cherry Charles.

Comment: V Eternelle enjoys every word. Tom is so succinct… In Goddess We Trust.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Comment on the Contrail about working our way to the real meaning of COVID-19 worldwide upheaval


Added by George W. Reichel on April 16, 2020 at 13:35

Comment by Cat Brown:

I agree with Richie of course, but as a veteran propaganda observer I'm once again seeing the hoax machine runs both sides. Look at these protests in Michigan which were covered by MSM. Why would they show this to the nation, if not to play good cop/bad cop and rile people up? Alot of protests are going to be TV travesty.

This is frustrating. Because of my affiliation with occult forces, I'm always open to a deeper level of interpretation. Why such a mind-boggling theatrical production? It's not for money; the elite can create billions without needing vaccines, or any other evil scheme. A land grab? Moving people to the city to control them better? Cities are the havens of millionaires, why would they want more homeless in the streets? Hasn't NYC sent many homeless people back to the country? The earth is full of resources; throughout all time the elite have taken them at will. I feel the depopulation agenda is also weak, because the elite are the most occult, spiritual, Satanic believers, who therefore must know that on the level of the afterlife you can't get rid of souls. We're all energy - after each life, our mind is more healed or more wounded, but we still exist. I've seen how spiritual the elite are - they know this. On a spiritual level you can't remove a part of the whole. We're all in this together.

The made for tv protests are taking place in Lansing - as in lancing a boil? Is this a purification ritual? A wicked form of hands on teaching... learning by doing?

Not yet ready to pinpoint it. Still looking for clues.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Comment on the Contrail website about Cat 5 Dorian

Yes! We've been studying this all along, even this website is named after geoengineering. Now we see the implications... with Dorian stationary over the flat islands of the Bahamas since 27 hours. This is a miniature Noah's Ark cataclysm, and very few people are aware it's happening. Why are the Fallen Angels doing this? It has to be more than emotional vampirism; their dish of human horror. I can't accept pure hate as a reason. They communicate in a very sophisticated way, through the poetry of an advanced intelligence. I don't understand the big picture. Yes, they are psycho, it's obvious, but in studying secret societies and our history with ET, one finds a moral foundation interwoven in ancient doctrines. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle, and sitting here so vulnerable as we all are, I'm in no position to judge. I hope reality hits home that nursing a weapon is of no use against them.
Since the beginning of time incessant sacrifice has been made to the Gods. Even if we're dealing with AI in a simulation, there has to be some kind of justification for such an intelligent force to brutalize the world. Brutality and superhuman intelligence just don't go together.
Did the govt make a deal to sacrifice the Bahamas in order to save the US coastline? Maybe, but the fact remains there is a bigger picture than global warming storm intensification, and an even bigger picture than a rabid cabal of globalist manipulators. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

I wonder why Epstein is back in the news?

Katy Perry - E.T. [Occult Meaning] from Freeman on Vimeo.

As much as I wish with every fiber of my being to stop the abuse of children and any and all suffering, I want to clarify from the point of view of someone abducted since over 25 years, my captor is the most loving alien! I think that my spiritual foundation sets the tone for our success. This alien saves my life over and over. The world doesn't even know them yet, but they need help with their PR already.

Now, I have been asking him to expose the cabal, so we can confront the abuse by pedos at the top. This is is effectively asking Lucifer to turn on those who brought him here. I find it hard to believe the Illuminati and Aleister Crowley didn't anticipate their Master could meet a girl. Like Marianne Williamson suggests, I'm dealing with this through love.

80% or more of the public still doesn't suspect a thing about everything we've learned thanks to Julian and Wikileaks. I think Epstein's renewed prosecution is part of ripping the band aid off the hive mind's psyche. Is everyone gonna find out now? I would think those who do know are wishing and willing the facts of Pizzagate to be promulgated though the MSM - and only the alien, only Enki... only Satan can make this happen - he drives the media. I have years of evidence to show this.

To make this even more intense, we're coming up to August 8, which is one of the most meaningful dates of the Illuminati. This date, 88, is the portal through which they invite the demons. On August 8, 1888, the first Jack the Ripper victim was found. On August 8, 1988, up to 10,000 people were killed in Myanmar. I won't go into the significance of that place name. The point is, what's coming through in this year's 88 portal?

My Angel and I want to see the end of innocent suffering, but many will have to lose their innocence in the process. If lightworkers can accomplish exposing the truth to the masses, this would reverberate even to Ohio and Pennsylvania, the swing states. It would be a whole new ballgame.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Divination is communication, and that is a good thing

I've been seeing meanings in names, and yesterday Doris Day passed away at 97.

I read messages in names, and this one says door is day. Just sending a heads up that the name, Doris Day, door is day, actually fits into the scenario of taking down Iran, the last of the 7 Middle Eastern countries on the US war list, and how it all fits into Biblical end times prophecy. Several youtubers, including Richie from Boston and Many Fish are freaking out about this latest advance on Iran.

I was reading about Tribulation, Rapture and the Second Coming - this is very violent, and Christ is not going to come back as a nice guy, like he did the first time.

From Revelation 19:11-16, “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. ‘He will rule them with an iron scepter.’ He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

War, enemies, wrath... talk about duality. I take comfort in my conviction that we are all one at Source. I'm also encouraged by the fact these meanings are being shown to those paying attention, meaning that communication with the spiritual, extraterrestrial world is ongoing. Communication is very important.

But lo and behold, the Bible says divination is not allowed! All these Christian youtubers are deciphering signs, which is divination. Go figure. The Bible itself is full of divination. 

From Deuteronomy 18:10-12, “There should not be found in you anyone . . . who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah.” 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Me, manipulative?

6 Jun
@billmaher Kate Will Write